Monday, December 04, 2006

Graph of 200 NL

Up around 10 buy-ins. A lot less variance on day 2. No tilt, running even or going up:


Blogger HyperAggrDonk said...

Nice numbers, I need to get me one of them graphs.

PS - I went through some of your HH's I had on you. You have a very solid game. I found a hand where I set-over-setted you, but other than that your game is pretty good. I did notice that you are a likely to check when a scare card hits. And often you will check-call. In these spots, I think you should keep betting, but put out a 60-70% pot feeler bet, and fold if you are raised. I have found that this works well at $100 and $200NL. Most people don't sniff these out as feeler bets, so it's almost always good to fold when you are raised.


3:08 AM  

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